Using "acrypter" plugin for Miranda-IM by Aloise =================================================================== written by Carpediem2100 2006-10-06 updated on: 2006-12-03 Impetus ------- My interest in this plugin was sparked by my desire for a small portable windows Instant Messaging client with the ability for secure (encrypted) chat. I am writing this as a brief guide to using the plugin to the best of my knowledge. (Because the included English readme file is 0 bytes.) I hope this helps. ... Download 10087 Downloads | 372.59KBytes Screenshot None Available Publisher Aloise Date added 31/07/2005 02:44:54 Date updated 08/08/2005 08:45:52 Requirements Miranda 0.4+ License Open Source - GPL Source code 0.696 - Download (157.86KBytes) "Description Encryption protocol with strong AES cipher. Can be used in conjunction with any transport protocols. Tested on ICQ,Jabber,IRC,MSN." ... version of Portable-Miranda (from I tested ------------------------------------------------------------ works with : MirandaPortable 0.51 Ansi ! [could NOT get it to work with: PortableMiranda 0.403Beta MirandaPortable 0.51 Unicode ] Configure your im-client =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- You (Elmo) and your im buddy (Grover) both need a copy of Miranda with Acrypter. 1. enable plugin go to Options; Plugins and check the Acrypter box. 2a. configure plugin under menu --> click Acrypter --> click Key Management tab. by default, there is a built in "system" key; (it is in red letters). It is highly recommended for security/privacy that you create your own default key! If not, the universal System key is used. create your own key and label it, ie., "Elmo's key". (you can use choose your own password or have the app generate it.) make Elmo's Key the default key by highlighting it & clicking "Set Default" button. Elmo's Key will now be in red letters. For portability, you may wish to export your unique key (ie Elmo's key.ack) to a separate file. Otherwise you would lose it. unique keys are not carried in the Miranda Profiles, nor are they carried by the plugin. Only the original "system" key is carried via the plugin. 2b. options tab by default, "[" and "]" brackets surround your im chat message to indicate encryption; if you want to change them do so here. 2c. user settings tab highlight Grover's nickname and click "Send Def Key" button; This will send your key (Elmo's Key) to Grover. now exit the menu. Using your im-client =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- A. In the Miranda IM main interface window, right mouse-click Grover's nickname; From the drop down fields, choose "Enable encryption" (note: Only Elmo has to this step; However, if both Elmo and Grover perform this step, it should still be OK; It should still work.) B. Now your im chat should be secure. C. Test it. You know it is functioning if you send and receive messages and both are displayed between "[" & "]" brackets. (note: the sent and received messages are displayed in different shades of grey.) If a party does not have the key or the Acrypter plugin, encrypted messages are not displayed; Instead, this message appears: "[Acrypter: Key [#####] was not found]". If Elmo sends an offline encrypted message to Grover, & Grover does not already have the "Elmo's key" preset, then the message will be lost. If Elmo sends an offline encrypted message to Grover, & Grover uses a different im application, the received message will be garbled/non-deciphered. Final criticism(s) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I don't think the encryption process involves a Diffie-Hellman exchange (ie like GnuPG or PGP); It doesn't appear to. However, with normal daily im chatting, Acrypter, if it works like its claims, it should be more than adequate for routine security. Epilogus ======== This plugin is elegant and simple to use. (If I have any errors above, please send me an email.)